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Mission Statement

Our goals are to increase tick-borne disease awareness and to provide a venue for support groups, patients, family members and friends in northern NJ to learn about tick-borne diseases. We offer education and support through meetings, our website, Facebook page and support hotline.


There is no given time frame when symptoms appear. Symptoms can appear in 24hrs, a number of days, several weeks and in some cases not until years later when the disease has become "chronic" and is often....MORE>>

Tick-Borne Diseases

Ticks are parasites (aka. "vectors") that transfer infective biological agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) from one host to another. Like other common "vectors" (mosquitoes, body lice, and fleas) they pick up pathogens when feeding on an infected animal's blood (mice, chipmunks, etc.). Of all....MORE>>

CDC tick borne disease

Tick-Borne disease is a worldwide problem. Anyone spending time outdoors is subject to infection where Ticks are known to thrive. Based on cases reported to the CDC..MORE>>

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